PXE SERVA/SYSLINUX Password Hash Calculator - Itechproz


Made By Jawad Khan

Friday, 21 October 2016

PXE SERVA/SYSLINUX Password Hash Calculator

Password protecting PXESERVA/SYSLINUX menu entries requires adding the "MENU PASWD" statement to the menu configuration file. This statement takes as argument a plain password or an encrypted password. You should never use plain passwords. i.e.
A) Serva automatically created "Windows 7" menu item

 menu label  ^  2) Windows 7, x86
 kernel  pxechain.cbt
 append  ::WIA_WDS\w8_32\_SERVA_\pxeboot.n12
B) Manually customized (now password protected) "Windows 8" menu item

 menu label  ^  2) Windows 7, x86
 menu passwd $4$s3b2l3i9$Y5PYcq7Gc8l0fhjNEU11KsdeX8o$
 kernel  pxechain.cbt
 append  ::WIA_WDS\w8_32\_SERVA_\pxeboot.n12

Where the highlighted argument is in this case the SHA1 encrypted form of the chosen menu item password or passphrase. A valid hash has to be calculated following anyone of the SYSLINUX MD5/SHA1/SHA256/SHA512 conventions and it can be done right here by using the following "off-line" hash calculator.

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